Cryptscam Abuse Explorer

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13 settembre 2019 venerdì. 11:46:27 UTC
nemesis id: 1M4Iyn-1i8ojo1NmD-000RaX
United Kingdom
classic scam email, states that my system is infected with a virus, states that the webcam has been activated and a video made, etc, states that in order for the video to not be sent to contacts payment in bitcoin is required. also states Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because this email cannot be tracked like my bitcoin address. I do not make any mistakes. well, the person has made several mistakes that allowed me to get the real ip address of their system. the 1st one is the email that was sent using an anon service/server. the 2nd was the person was stupid enough to send this message to a computer company with government ties. the 3rd one is the fact that bitcoin can actually be tracked through the entry/exit nodes & the main nodes & the bitcoin exchanges. the 4th is the delusional one that states nobody can be traced whilst running through proxy services.
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